Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eloquii {The Limited}

The Limited has lunched their collection for the Plus Size Woman Who Loves FASHION!
The Eloquii Fall 2011 Launch Look Book
After a stir up from the Plus Fashion world The Limited CEO answered!

“She didn’t want to dress solely in black, thank you very much. She loved color. She loved the latest runway looks. She loved stylish, well-made clothes that fit her body. Trouble was, she couldn’t find them. And she wasn’t alone in her frustration.
Several fashion bloggers voiced that frustration to The Limited CEO, Linda Heasley, at a style event
When was The Limited going to turn its focus toward stylish plus size women who actively want to participate in fashion? Why wasn’t the fashion industry creating more for bodies like hers than stretchy black pieces, dowdy oversize frocks, and cheaply made clothes that barely last a season?
She spoke for curvy women everywhere.”

Eloquii is open for business ladies! You can check out Eloquii online sizes range from 14-24 and who loves to have fun